Turkuvaz Academy

Turkuvaz Academy is an educational institution designed in accordance with the strategies of Turkuvaz Media Group, supporting the personal, professional and technical development of our employees, and perpetuating individual and corporate learning.

Acting with the motto of "Discover, Learn, Make a Difference", Turkuvaz Academy provides solution support with work practices that will add value to our Group's employees as well as activities to ensure the continuity of their values and cultural development.

We present all of our human resources processes in an integrated structure with the power and energy we derive from our brands and with the Academy activities guided by our Group strategies that will carry us to the future. By effectively using the training resources that enable competence development and make a difference, we provide training to our employees in all areas they may need.

For more detailed information and to be informed about our activities, you can visit


Turkuvaz Academy

Turkuvaz Academy