7-24 Dinle

Free music, audiobooks, live radio, news, interviews and very special podcasts are available on the new generation audio content platform 7/24.

With 7/24 Dinle, which started broadcasting via web, mobile and on an app in 2021, users can listen to the important news of the day and follow their favorite singers and albums. Setting out with the slogan "Listen 7/24 at every moment of your life", the brand aims to fill the day of its followers with various audio content.


• The option to listen to free music on different devices at anytime and anywhere,

• Playlists in line with the spirit of the time,

• Wide range of albums and singers,

• 13 different live radio options,

• A wide variety of podcasts such as Art & Culture and Sports Archive,

• The opportunity to read the important news of the day selected by the provider or your own mood,

• Audiobooks for adults and children's audio library for the little ones,

• And the opportunity to listen to the Qur'an from the voices of various valuable reciters await the users of 7/24 DİNLE. 

Now is the perfect time to discover our new audio content platform which you will not get tired of listening to 24/7...


AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/tr/app/724dinle/id1540042099?l=tr

PlayStore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.turkuvaz.dinle&hl=tr&gl=US

7-24 Dinle

7-24 Dinle